Author Archives: admin
PRISM National Register Application
In 1977 PRISM submitted the South Main Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places. Thanks to Roger Daniels for contributing these!. PRISM National Register Application Part 1 PRISM National Register Application Part 2
Sorg Mansion Blueprints ( Complete )
American Legion Post 128 Before / After
Daniel McCalley Journal 228 S. Main
Daniel McCallay Journal 1867 Daniel McCallay and his brother-in-law, Capt. Robert Wilson, were in the tobacco business together. In 1877 McCallay bought an interest in the business, which became The Wilson & McCallay Tobacco Company. He was born in 1839 and owned the house at 228 South Main Street. This…
Paul Sorg Memorial Book
The Sorg Memorial book is currently in the Ohio room but is not digitized. I spent the afternoon working to digitize the book for all to read. Enjoy! Sorg Memorial
A couple of views from South School’s Tower
Welcome to the South Main Historic District!
The South Main Historic District is one of Middletown, Ohio’s oldest Historic Districts. Contained within it’s boundaries are eighty-one structures that have been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Although this district contains a variety of architectural styles, building materials, setbacks, landscaping and land uses, there is still…